The Phantom

Given my exciting online life of looking at lender websites all day, it seems that more and more, Facebook feels the need to display a lot of ads from a lot of different lenders.
Many of them attempt to attract your attention with a teaser interest rate but keep in mind that these rates can be misleading. One in particular that comes to mind is from a lender on my panel with a red-hot rate but the rate is limited to a very select market. Additionally, this particular lender is very slow moving and also consistently sends out loan offers with higher interest rates and fees than initially advertised.
Given that we have such a wide range of lenders to choose from, we are well aware of the best offers out there. We also know which borrowers are able to secure these rates and the next best offer too. Armed with all of this knowledge, we’ll be sure to save you time, money and stress when it comes to secure rates.
If you see a red-hot rate, save yourself some heartache and talk to us about it. Nobody has managed to catch the phantom yet!
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