Life is about choice

Every day we make choices. Get out of bed? Vegemite or peanut butter on toast? Go to work? Many of these choices are so simple that we make them automatically and they really don’t require that much thought.
Then we have the bigger choices – get married? Have children? Take 12 months off and wander the world? Get a mortgage? Buy a home? Most of us want to buy their own home, and nobody wants a mortgage – but they do come hand in hand for most of us.
How do you get that elusive great mortgage deal? How can you do the research to find the deal? Calling into branches, surf the web, ask family and friends, talk to your BFF from year 1 that now works at a bank? All of these are options.
There is a better way. Come talk to your local Regional Finance Solutions Lending Specialist – with over 70 lenders on our panel we will leave you spoilt for choice. With our expertise we can narrow the field down to 3 or 4 great deals for you to choose from. We can guide you through the mire and the process to make your journey to home ownership as smooth as possible.
As one of our clients said recently “we didn’t think that it was supposed to be this easy”.
Life is after all, about choices. The best one that you could make if your are borrowing money is to pick up your phone and call 1800 734 346 and be connected to one of our local Lending Specialists.