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Broker Profile - Mark English

Home Location:Inverell, NSW
Mobile:0455 284 764
Email: Contact Us

Mark has worked across a number of business sectors including a number of multi-national corporations. Mark operated his own small fleet of prawn trawlers for a number of years. With over 20 years’ experience in retail banking, including Regional Management roles Mark is very well versed in the residential lending market. Mark is a Justice of the Peace in NSW and holds Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking.

Mark and his wife live on their small farm out of Inverell and are keen chicken and shorthorn cattle breeders. Mark has two adult children who have flown the coop.

Mark retired from Regional Finance Solutions as a full time Lending Specialist in October 2018, but retains a close association with us as a consultant, using his wealth of knowledge to assist our younger team members.