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When 'Moo' Means Money

24th March 2022

After several years of drought, it is really pleasing to see most sections of the rural community having a great year – we know that some areas have been flood impacted and there has been some fire activity, so we are talking generally.  It’s also nice to see that many commodity prices are staying strong. These two means that our farming sector should finally be in for a good year.

What does this mean for our regional economies? When farmers make money, they spend money. That money goes into rural suppliers, local shops, restaurants, cafes and so on. So the benefit of a good season flows into our local communities.  At these funds flow in this promotes investment and employment for locals. This is good for everybody.

On a wider scale, increased production means increased exports, taxes and so on. This leads to further investment both regionally and nationally.

So, for us, this year ‘moo’ means money.  Let’s invest this wisely, improve your farm, home, business, or invest in other ways. But remember, there will be another bad season or drought, so let’s all collectively put some money aside for that as well.

Who do you talk to? For investing or saving – your accountant and your financial planner.  For borrowing, well, we strongly suggest getting professional assistance and support, and can recommend none better than the team at Regional Finance Solutions.

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